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I was accepted into The Blueprint Mastermind!

When I say that I'm living out my dream, my God-given purpose, I mean it with my whole heart. And a few weeks back when I was given the opportunity to apply to be part of an intimate group of entrepreneurs looking to take their business to the next level, I jumped. Because jumping and trying new things are little steps that push me along this dream life.

At 6am I filled out the application answering questions, if I'm being honest, I didn't have all the answers to.

Namely the entirety of my 2024 business goals. #NBD.

But, I got to it. I pulled reports and combed through my P&L. I reviewed my progress to 2023 goals. I took a hard look at my team. Where there was a deficit and where there were opportunities. And a couple hours later I hit the submit button with peace.

Here's one - of many - things I'm grateful for: with God, it's rare I am nervous or anxious about my business and this time was an example of that. I trust fully that if I am meant to get a client, it will happen. If I'm meant to get into this program, God will make a way. And if doors close, that's okay. I was either being protected, wasn't quite ready or maybe it just simply didn't align with my goals.

This time, it did align and I am one of the newest members of this incredible mastermind. VAMOS!

Led by incredible women who have started, grown and sold businesses (Alli Webb, Jaclyn Johnson and Marina Middleton), I knew this would be a space that I can continue my journey of learning and getting better at owning and operating a business, surrounded by not just these amazing advisors but the other members as well. Yes, please.

Why am I sharing this? Honestly, I am sharing this for one reason: because 100% of the time that I have put myself out there, taken the risk, invested into myself and my business, the ROI has been tenfold (and I'm not just talking financial - I'm talking confidence, strategy, self-awareness, the list goes on). And you, too, have the opportunity to invest in yourself, right now. Not in 2024, not in Q4, but now. I'm sharing this for YOU.

Is there a class you have been wanting to take?

A gym membership that you need to reactivate?

Books that have stacked up that are waiting for your eyes and your heart?

What about a habit you need help breaking?

Or the therapist you know you need to call?

Or the life coach that you really need to book?

The church that needs you?

An investment you've been wanting to make?

The mastermind you want to apply for?

Are you scared? Great, do it.

Do you not have the financial means? Bull$h!t. You're not spending wisely if you aren't setting aside money to invest in yourself. Sorry, truth hurts sometimes and I'm an enneagram 8 which means I'm direct so there's that ;)

No time? Also, B.S. You have as much time as I do and if I can do it, you can. I promise. 5:30 a.m. awaits, my friend (try it, it may change your did for me).

You have what you need already to take that step to do that thing. No more excuses, no more of the easy path. Your people support you. You know it will be a sacrifice. You know it won't be easy. But OH MY GOSH IT WILL BE WORTH IT.

I remember spending $10k on Tony Robbins Business Mastery years ago and was FREAKING OUT. Obviously. I was a small business and just becoming profitable and I committed to reinvesting back into myself and the business but I had never spent more than $2k on a conference/training/workshop before. GASP. I was scared but I knew in my soul this investment would pay off. And it's not a coincidence that the following 12 months after taking that program my business tripled in revenue. My team grew. Our clients were the ones we wanted. And we had fun and still are having fun.

Since that program with Tony and 8-10 other trainings and conferences I've committed to and invested in, my life has changed. My business has flourished. My joy has increased. My peace has increased. I've brought so many people on the journey to live out their dreams. And my trust in God is deeper and more fulfilling than ever.

And I know this mastermind will produce fruit and change me and those around me as a result. The harvest awaits and I'm so incredibly honored to have been chosen. Little me, the girl from a farm town in Illinois. The tiny business that was started in 2019 with no MBA and no design degree. Me? They chose me. And man, I am humbled and grateful.

You? GO DO THE THING. There's someone out there waiting to choose you.

I'm cheering for you and believing you will be chosen.



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