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Studio 790 Workspace: The Women Behind the Design

By now you know how special this project is to me. In two words: God Dreams. You can read more about that here.

Today I wanted to give honor where honor is due. I knew from the beginning I didn't want to do this project alone. You may wonder why. Why would you not want to fully design and execute your own studio, Ann?

Because thanks to many experiences I've had in my life, I have learned that everything is better together. Dreams are better. Allowing someone to get an opportunity they otherwise wouldn't have had. That's better. Celebrating together. That for sure is better. Bringing people together, with more creativity, more joy and more collaboration. THAT IS BETTER.

Thus, I made the decision to rally some amazing women who all said yes to coming alongside me for the design of Studio 790. I 100% could not have done this project without these women. Well, if I had, it it would not mean as much and it likely would not have been as good as it is.

Alas, allow me to introduce you to the dream team. The women behind the design of Studio 790.

First up, Meghan Grimbert. Meghan and I speak daily and so about a year ago in our daily catch up I told her I needed her. I asked her if I could hire her to be my co-lead on this project. She said yes and I think that night she sent me a moodboard, along with 10 amazing ideas I hadn't thought of. Here's what you need to know about Meghan - she's truly one of the best interior designers in Miami. In Florida. And I'd even go as far to say in the United States. Her brain is wired so uniquely. She has a vision and if you ever hire her, FOLLOW HER VISION. She's a creative genius and Studio 790 would not be possible, would not be what it is without her.

Next up, Pam Marmolejo. You all know Pam. Pam is my lead designer and she's my design partner in crime and close friend. As I told Pam - I can't do any of this without you. Pam was my sounding board. She was our third creative eye. She helped in executing the studio. She allowed me to have the capacity to bring this project across the finish line. She was a prayer warrior for it the whole way. GOLD.

And now, Bianca True. Early on once we had our vision in place, we rallied Bianca. I met Bianca a couple of years ago in my business coaching program. We clicked instantly and I feel like she's a younger sister to me. She, too, is an incredible designer, running her own firm here in Miami. I wanted her on my team. I wanted her to allow us to see our vision by way of 3d renders. Bianca rendered our design and it's honestly laughable how perfect it is (more on that later). But know this - Bianca carries the hustle, creativity and execution like the best of them. She's a designer to watch, that's for sure!

Last but not least, Bryn Westerlind. BRYN I LOVE YOU. Bryn helped us from many angles of this project. From elevations to on site meetings with vendors, to product procurement, to her behind the scenes social media coverage, Bryn has a technical expertise that was needed and she complemented the rest of us perfectly. Bryn works for Meghan and to be able to have both of them say yes to me was such a gift. Bryn is also gold, obv.

What can I say? I AM SURROUNDED BY GOLD. Follow these women. Help me celebrate them. Studio 790 is ten times better because of each of their roles. THANK YOU, TEAM. I LOVE YOU. You helped bring to life a dream and I pray I can do the same for you one day. I know God will make that happen.



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