Do you struggle with developing and creating marketing content to promote your business? Do you put it off because you would rather focus your time and energy on the actual interior design portion of your business? We understand that time is money and we want to help. Your Pinterest profile is an extension of your brand and it's important to elevate your business with consistent and recognizable branding.
More eyes on your brand means more engagement, which ultimately equates to more traffic to your website. After taking a few initial steps (see Pinterest Guide Volume 1 - Getting Started) we've upped our game by organizing our Pinterest Boards and since have seen tremendous growth to our Pinterest profile (currently over 700k monthly views), which has resulted in a 275% increase of new users to our website in just 3 months! Tailored with Interior Designers in mind, we have created this guide to take your Pinterest profile to the next level. Your Pinterest profile is an extension of your brand.
In this guide you will receive:
- The Importance of Pin Board Covers
- Pin Board Organization Tools
- A List of Pin Board Ideas
- Pin Board Description Best Practices
- Plus! 4 fully customizable Pin Board Cover Template Options in easy-to-use Canva.
We've done the heavy lifting, so you don't have to!
Pinterest Guide Volume 2 - Pinterest Boards
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