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How I Increased Traffic to My Website by 100%

It was week 2 of the COVID 19 crisis and I was at a crossroads with my business, like millions of solopreneurs and entrepreneurs.

Do I reinvent myself?

Do I discount my pricing?

Do I rebirth things on my list that I haven’t had a chance to get to?

Do I create a new product?

Do I simply take a break/take time “off” and focus on my daughter and family?

Do I just call the whole thing quits?

I did actually try a few of the things above and ultimately, I came back to “Ann, go back to the basics.”

Back to the basics. It was far less sexy than what social media was telling me to do, but, I did it anyways. And I started with Pinterest, a platform that I had neglected as an interior designer for the last several years. Make no mistake, I CONSUME on Pinterest regularly. I use it for almost every project I have. But dusting off my business account and actually putting time and effort into it to help grow my business? Nah, that wasn’t part of my marketing plan.

Well, that changed. And you will be shocked by what I’ve done as it literally is the simplest thing you can do on Pinterest, yet it has yielded results that actually surprised me. For example, from my organic content I have published in the last 2 weeks:

Impressions are up 13,000% (not 13, not 130...13,000)

Total audience has increased 16,000%

Engagements are up 5,000%

And MOST IMPORTANT, traffic to my website from Pinterest is up 100% and traffic from search engines overall is up 62%.

In 2 weeks.

Because I actually started publishing (aka "pinning") my work vs. just viewing and saving other people's pins. That's all I did. I just pinned my work natively.

Now, you may be thinking, duh Ann, I do this all the time. And in response to that I would say, congratulations - you are ahead of me! But at the risk of being behind or being viewed as unintelligent, I had to share this. Because I have a feeling there are hundreds, if not thousands of solopreneurs, mompreneurs and entrepreneurs in the creative field (and otherwise) that are not using Pinterest to increase traffic to your website.

Well, it's your lucky day. I am so passionate about this (because it is working SO well for me) that I bundled up EXACTLY what I did (and spoiler alert - it's not hard and it's not rocket science) and you can get my Pinterest Guide Vol 1 right now, right this second, for $15.


I made the mistakes, I put Pinterest on the back burner and left leads and revenue on the table. DON'T DO WHAT I DID! Grab this guide and start watching how more customers will be finding you and engaging with you on Pinterest and on your website. #winwin


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