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An HGTV Dream Come True: Our Blue Colombian Kitchen Takes Center Stage

The secret is out and we are humbled, honored and excited to share that our blue Colombian kitchen project, inspired by the Red Rooster restaurant in Miami, is taking up 4 pages in the June issue of HGTV Magazine! "Miami's Cutest Kitchen" as the experts say ;)

And here's my heart:

It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense that 4 years ago I walked away from corporate America and pursued the desires of my heart to become a business owner and an interior designer. With no MBA, no design degree, NADA. But in the lack is where God shows up. And wow, he showed up.

I always knew this is what I was meant to do and finally at the age of 39 I was brave enough to go all in. The easiest and hardest decision ever. And to think that today, my firms work is in a magazine I've read and dreamed of being in for over a decade is unreal. It's crazy. It's affirming. It's an absolute joy. And a gift from God.

And yes, I'm excited to show you the article - because the hero is actually not the kitchen and instead, it's the people in the kitchen, our amazing client and her sweet girls. But, as I think about what this means and what I really want to share it's this:

Your life starts on the other side of that fear that's holding you back. That desire in your heart, that yearning for more, that tension you have when you wake up and commute to work thinking you are not in the right place, that thing that sets your soul on fire...please, please honor it. Explore it. Unpack it. Pray about it. Because I am 100% certain it's from God. He planted this seed in you. He made and created you for more. He can and will equip you even when you have no experience in said thing. He will. He did it for me, he's doing it for my team and to be a part of this miracle is truly the greatest experience in my life.

That I get to wake up and do what I love every single day? It's freedom, it's fun, it's joy, it's purpose, it's life.

It's a dream come true.

And you can have the same thing. I'm not different or special. I didn't have an uncle in design or a friend who works at HGTV. I didn't get a full ride to Harvard for my MBA. I didn't have funding.

I had favor because I stepped into the design the creator had for me. And make no mistake, it's hard! It's a series of challenges every single week. Some days I fight the imposter syndrome thoughts. But thanks to prayer, my amazing community and the holy spirit fire that is burning bright, I fight that good fight head on and keep going.

You were made for more.

You can do things the world tells you you can't.

You can say yes to your dreams.

You can figure out your finances.

You will be equipped.

You will succeed.

You were set apart.

You were called to pursue that thing.

DO IT! Imagine - just for a minute - if everyone in the world was doing what they loved. Doing what God called them to. I'd argue this is the path to world peace. Perhaps it starts with you and you are reading this for a reason.

For now, take a look at this miracle in motion. Grab your copy and let it be your physical reminder that if I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT!

Oh and a massive thank you to the team at HGTV Magazine. They believed in us, they saw something special in this kitchen, in our client and in our firm. And for that, I am forever grateful.


Want to recreate the look for yourself? SHOP THE ROOM and discover items inspired by this room to bring the Miami heat into your space.


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