"...hope this email finds you well...I came across your IG account through my Vous crew leader and I enjoy your design posts and parenting stories...every year Microsoft hosts a women’s empowerment event targeting entrepreneurs and women in technology, this year we are adding a twist- MOTHERHOOD...we are in the process of confirming 6 moms from all walks of life to join in on a casual conversation with our moderator/keynote speaker..this event will target 100-150 moms in Miami we have a handful of sponsors including BizNest, a child friendly co-working space in Coral Gables where the event will be held...I'd love to discuss this opportunity in person if you have availability meet over coffee."
When this email came into my inbox, I was honored and grateful Brittany had reached out. It was so encouraging to me how she found me and of course, I decided to meet with her.
Brittany Valdes is actually one of the most engaging, kind, special women on this earth. I sort of felt like we were meeting for our first date and it was friend-love at first sight. Super awkward but super frickin' amazing and true.
As we began talking, I was so fired up about her vision for #BossMomMiami - her energy and creativity is contagious. In, done, sign me up.
And then. THEN, she says this.
"There's a little daycare in the space (BizNest, the co-working space the event will be held) - moms and dads can bring their kiddos to work with them...it's incredible. Anyways, they are doing a great job with it, but, I'd love to give back to them and get it redesigned and launch the space at the event. Will you design it?"
WILL I DESIGN IT?! YES. Children's spaces are my jam and supporting an organization that supports working moms?! Ummmmmm. Bring. It. On.
It's February 23. The event is March 21. Less than 4 weeks to prepare for the panel, design the space, find a sponsor who will gift all the items in the space, source products, get them delivered and do the install? Yes, of course I am in. Being the pisces I am, being the challenge-seeker that I am, being the right-and-left-brained person I am, yes was the only answer.
I truly am not a "how" person. I am a yes-and-then-we-figure-it-out person. In most cases, this has served me well in my life. Actually, maybe in all. If I say yes, I get it done. I may pray and beg God for miracles, but, the job gets done. And this project was no different.
I sent a note to Overstock as I have a relationship with them and not only did they say yes to sponsor the design of the space, they wanted to be the exclusive partner. #miracle #dontworryabouthowjustsayyes
The next day was spent scouring Overstock's website, creating a moodboard and then ultimately deciding on a design. Time was of the essence so I didn't have the luxury of going through a few different design directions. This was one and done and again, say some prayers.
Within 10 days the products started to arrive to the space and I worked on the installation over the course of about 10-12 hours. Brittany helped. Her incredibly talented and creative and super solutions-based friend (who thankfully I have now become friends with), Ashley helped. Arturo, the building handyman built some furniture and installed the wallpaper. I arranged. Re-arranged. Styled. Cleaned. And held back tears as I looked at the space and what was created in a matter of weeks. Kids will learn here. Kids will play here. Working moms can still make a living. Can still be present for their kids. The space will allow for more imagination. More creativity. More comfort.
All because Brittany asked me.
And I asked Overstock.
And then a team of people collaborated to make it happen.
Brittany, thank you for believing in me. Overstock, thank you for having incredibly designed products and for sponsoring this - your team and your partners are remarkable and we are all so grateful. BizNest, thank you for offering a kids space so working parents can be productive, have peace of mind and thrive at life.
Take a look at some of the before and afters :) And stay tuned for more of the afters, my rapid vision and design details as well as more information on Overstocks products!
Also, giant shout out and photo credit to Ashley and her amazing company, Spin Gallery.